Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nutrition for Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nutrition for Life - Essay Example Since man has lost touch with nature, he does not eat raw food available from it. The food that humans intake goes through a lot of processing, thus, they lose most of their nutrients. Another crucial field that is interconnected with human life is healthcare. Healthcare is one of the main reasons that death rates all around the world have decreased comparing to the ancient era. Humans have evolved a lot from the way they were during the primitive times. The advancements have made them reach new heights. However, along with such progress, comes their inability to live a healthy life. The fast paced lifestyle that everyone follows now lands them on the path of self-destruction. People nowadays are so busy with work that they do not have time to focus on their food or nutrition. They eat according to different food fads that they acknowledge in their day-to-day lives. People just read the nutritional information given behind different cartons and packets and buy according to what they assume to be healthy. They do not know what is best for them and producers take advantage of this situation sometimes giving false data about ingredients as well as nutirional qualities. Manufacturers have now come up with â€Å"functional foods, which provide a health benefit beyond what is provided by the same food in its traditional form† (Vitamins: Micronutrients with Macro Powers pg 186). These types of food products, also known as â€Å"nutraceuticals† are the new trend now. Various commercials and such other advertisements lure the people into buying these things, which have been transformed into something healthier, as per the commercial. People ponder upon the new terms related with these new products and undergo the dilemma of whether or not to buy it. In the end, that small voice inside their heads tells them that they really need â€Å"some extra vitamins, calcium fortified juices, soy milk, multivitamins† and various other â€Å"vitamin enhanced pr oducts† (Vitamins: Micronutrients with Macro Powers pg 186). When people come to know of water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis systems and undergone ozonization, they do not wait to think of another option. They think it better to drink this water than the one they get from their taps. It is only obvious how much the world is concerned with nutrition now, or else water would taste best when it comes out of a natural spring, not some UV sterilizing machine. There are various establishments and institutions that have devoted themselves to providing the best healthcare and medicine for the people. One such organization is the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), â€Å"which sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements manufactured, distributed and consumed worldwide† (About USP par.1). It is a non-profit institution, founded by an association of 11 physicians in 1820, who want ed to provide â€Å"a national lexicon of drug names and formulas† for the public (About USP par.1). During the time, medicines, drugs and such things were not closely administered by any authority. Patients bought medicine and consumed them according to what they thought would help. Wrong dosage and wrong intake of medicines and drugs also caused serious setbacks in the lives of people. It was not until the formation of USP that the essentiality and importance of this problem was recognized. People then were mostly illiterate and did not know how to read the information given about any product or medicine. Thus, USP played a very important role during the time and since has been catering to the needs of people regarding medicine, drugs and food. This organization follows the standards created and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Different Propaganda Means in World War II Essay Example for Free

Different Propaganda Means in World War II Essay 1. Introduction a) General Background We know that propaganda used in war had effects on the outcome of the war from GCSE Modern World History second edition that propaganda means used in war had contributed to the war efforts which directly affected the outcome of the war. Many propaganda means such as movies and songs flourished during this era and even until today. b) Rationale of Research Our paper aims to show how the propaganda means helped to contribute to the war effort by blinding the civilians from facts, so that they would continue to support the government in their war efforts and not lose poise in the war. The sources that we have selected were produced and used at the period of war and thus are eligible as a primary source. c) Research Questions * How does propaganda affect the outcome of war? * How effectual is each different mean of propaganda? d) Scope of Research We will only be looking at the 4 different means of propaganda stated: o Chaplins (1940) movie- The Great Dictator o Almanac Singers (1942) song- Round and Round Hitlers Grave o Clampetts (1942) cartoon- Any Bonds Today o Smiths (1942) propaganda poster about war bonds We will also bring in historical knowledge that we obtained from the books and websites indicated in the bibliographical section. e) Limitations of Research Our paper will only discuss how propaganda is effective in the primary sources that we will be using. We will only mention how effective each of these sources are, bringing in historical background to support our view. Our paper will only be discussing on these specific sources mentioned and not propaganda as a whole broad topic. 2. Literature Review Chaplins and Clampetts movies plus Almanac Singers song criticised the Axis Powers. They were anti-Nazi Propaganda and were efficient in spreading propaganda. Clampetts cartoons and Smiths poster appealed to the Americans to support the war through buying war bonds. Chaplins movie shows that Hitler is uncivilized, as seen in a cake fight whilst discussing war issues with Italy-an ally. Clampetts cartoon shows that the Axis Powers were uncooperative when they stepped on the Dove of Peace. Almanac Singers song lyrics (Appendix 2) was insulting, Wished I had old Hitler /with a rope around his neck and continues about dancing round Hitlers grave. The first movie was produced to ridicule Hitler with very little purpose except for a speech (Appendix 3) because America was still a neutral country during 1940, but in Europe war had commenced. All resources made use of either audio or visual. It was the era whereby poems were no longer effectual and popular means of expression. Hence, propaganda was conveyed in posters, songs aired on radio and movies in theatres worldwide. Audio and visual aids provided a lucid picture of happenings and task definition enabling the government to easily persuade the people to do their biddings. The movies were directed by famous people (such as Warner Brothers, Charles Chaplin), whom civilians thought were trust-worthy and thus easily swayed. Moreover, most propaganda accentuates the importance of war bonds in the War. Bugs Bunny in Any Bonds Today (Appendix 6) was saying that without the bonds, we cant make tomorrows plan, which is to win the war. Even in this song there is a propaganda poster (Appendix 5) on war, patriotism and to procure war bonds (Appendix 4). Smiths poster was specifically on war bonds but just in a different form. The poster illustrates the repercussions without war bonds and shows a Nazi shadow cast over children. Therefore, buying bonds will safeguard them from the Axis. Patriotism resulted in exceedingly successful recruitment and maintenance of peace in the country. Patriotism prevented war at home while combating enemies. It was evoked through a poster signifying victory (Appendix 5), shown as the backdrop of Clampetts movie and also through criticising and making Axis Powers look inferior. Hence, Allies gain confidence. Not all movies were totally censored by the government and thus contained more truths. However, animated cartoons were still successful. The audience were predominantly children and upon listening to the catchy tunes and vivid pictures, persuade their parents into buying bonds for their well-being. The success of war propaganda for bonds reaped 185 billion dollars enabling the vast expansion of arms. Chaplins speech gave Germany hope that when dictators die, liberty will return to the people; this helped alleviate tension in Europe. The song (Appendix 2) was performed by a band formed by the government for propaganda purposes. Their songs were highly popular at that era and helped stir patriotism in the Americans. All the propaganda, even if not asking to acquire war bonds, was useful in convincing the people that the Axis were inferior to the Allies. 3. Research Methodology We have evaluated the germane resources that we can access and selected four sources that we will be using in our paper. These sources are primary sources as they were produced and released during World War II. After the selection of the resources, we analysed each of the sources individually to detect the characteristics of each source. We also accessed the impact they had at that time derived from historical knowledge. We then look at critics standpoint of these sources and found out that reviews and critics on these sources were scarce and extraneous to our paper and we decided to prohibit these critics, as most did not have any relevance to our paper. Subsequently, we look at all the sources and list down their similarities and differences from the examination of each source. 4. Results Analysis All the sources that we have used proved to be valuable in showing us the influence these propaganda tools may even have on us. These sources were used by the Allies to convince the civilians that the Axis Powers are the unscrupulous guys and they are to remove these threats. Chaplins The Great Dictator and Almanac Singers Round and Round Hitlers Grave were aimed at Hitler and the purpose of the movie was to destroy Hitlers reputation. These sources ridicule Hitler and persuaded the people to despise and condemn him. Clampetts cartoons and Smiths poster applied more to the persuasion of the civilians to buy war bonds to help to lighten the burden the economy have to take. These sources use patriotism to persuade the civilians to help to buy war bonds. 5. Conclusion a. Has our research proved our hypothesis correct / wrong? Our research has proven our hypothesis correct. Our research had shown that propaganda helped to collect the necessary resources needed for war, which is money and manpower. In World War II, propaganda means had evolved into sophisticated structure where many factors are included. Propaganda became an essential tool that would be necessary in war, as it would help the government to haul support from the civilians in order to get enough resources for war. b. Questions for further research 1) Why did poems lose popularity as a form of propaganda means in World War 2? 2) How did movies gain popularity as propaganda means in the war? 3) Why were Audio Aids more effective than Audio-Visual Aids in the war as a propaganda tool? 6. Bibliography a) Books: Lowe, Norman (1997) Mastering Modern World History third edition. New York: Palgrave Publishers Ltd Tate, Nicholas (1999) A History of the Modern World 1917-1952 fifth edition. Singapore: Federal Publications Pte Ltd Walsh, Ben (2002) GCSE Modern World History second edition. London: John Murray Publishers Ltd b) Websites: c) Acknowledgements: Many thanks to our mentor Miss Foo Yang Yann for helping us out in many areas of our paper. d) References: Clown Ministry (2003). Text of Charlie Chaplins speech from The Great Dictator, aka Look up, Hannah., last accessed 7 Aug 2003. Florit, Luis A. (2003). The Speech of The Great Dictator., last accessed 7 Aug 2003. Geer, Goopy (2003). Goopy Geers Rare Cartoons Page War Cartoons., last accessed 7 Aug 2003. Helfert, Manfred (2003). Round And Round Hitlers Grave (Woody Guthrie/Millard Lampell/Pete Seeger)., last accessed 7 Aug 2003. National Archives and Records Administration (2003). NARA | Exhibit Hall | Exhibit Hall Main Page., last accessed 7 Aug 2003. Rotten Tomatoes (2003). The Great Dictator (1940): Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Jack Oakie, Charlie Chaplin., last accessed 7 Aug 2003.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)

United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) The purpose of this memo is to critically summarise the operations of the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and its goals for the future. Following the end of World War II in 1946, The United Nations (UN) established a program aimed to provide the basic necessities of life to famine and disease ridden children in Europe[1]. On the 11th of December, 1946, UNICEF was born[2]. UNICEF was created for the purpose of addressing the needs of underprivileged children which include diminishing the prevalence of disease, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS and violence while ensuring all children have access to quality education[3]. Work Conducted by UNICEF One stated goal of UNICEF is to combat the inordinate number of young child and pregnancy related deaths[4]. A large proportion of these deaths occur due to preventable diseases and illnesses, malnutrition, poor sanitation and a severe lack of medical facilities[5]. In their efforts to minimise the deaths, UNICEF has established successful, uncomplicated and cost effective involvements within problem areas of the world[6]. Some of these contributions include vaccinations, antibiotics, nutritional supplements, insecticide-treated bed nets and the implementation of safer and more hygienic practices[7]. The prominence of HIV and AIDS in underdeveloped countries is another substantial hurdle UNICEF faces[8]. As well as establishing methods of preventing the transmission of HIV, UNICEF also provides protection, treatment and support for children affected by HIV/AIDS[9]. In conjunction with other child protection establishments, UNICEF has instigated social protection schemes to increase exposure to education and health services and aid communities and carers[10]. UNICEF has found the prominence of violence and exploitation of children to be one of the prime crises across the globe[11]. Issues such as unregistered births, child labour, child marriage, sexual exploitation of children, female genital mutilation, violence against children and other human rights violations are highly prevalent and insufficiently recognised and addressed[12]. By providing a protective environment for children and raising awareness of these child abuses, UNICEF hopes to generate responses and preventative measures to counteract these violations of childrens human rights[13]. Another area UNICEF hopes to address is the lack of quality education available to many children[14]. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) article 26, education is a basic human right[15]. Education is the cornerstone of personal and societal development. Implementing the assistance of local, national and international partners, UNICEF works to guarantee every child is entitled to a quality education, regardless of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background or personal circumstances[16]. Gender equality is another strong focus as UNICEF works to increase the number of girls with access to education[17]. UNICEF approaches these educational problems with a rights-based attitude with the hope of improving some of societies entrenched inequalities[18]. Priorities have been established by UNICEF to overcome the problems, which include equal access, universal primary education, gender quality and female education, post-crisis and emergency education, early childho od development and enhanced educational quality[19]. However, UNICEF understands that its aims for universal education require a long term global commitment[20]. UNICEFs dominant role is that of working in emergencies and delivering adequate humanitarian assistance to children in need[21]. During wartimes, UNICEF initiates critical interventions to save the lives and protect the rights of vulnerable children[22]. The focus of these interventions is to provide and ascertain emergency healthcare, sufficient food, clean drinking water and sanitation[23]. Post-war restoration of educational institutions assists with child protection and the reinstatement of normal routines[24]. Wartimes often bring about increased female violence, child abduction and gathering of child soldiers. UNICEF works to combat these problems in three predominant ways: prevention, protection, recuperation and reintegration[25]. Criticisms of UNICEF Despite their humanitarian stance, UNICEF has received criticisms from various groups, governments and individuals for failing to adequately address the problems facing particular groups. Israeli non-governmental organisation NGO Monitor, is highly critical of UNICEFs involvement with and funding of Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA)[26]. A supposed non-political group, NGO Monitor alleges that PYALARA has been dishonest concerning its hidden agenda[27]. PYALARAs youth newspaper has been reported by NGO Monitor to advocate overt political intentions and indirectly show support of terror attacks on civilians and suicide bombings[28]. UNICEF has a policy of only supporting non-political organisations and has been criticised by NGO Monitor for showing political bias or negligence in their duty to be aware of PYALARAs true activities[29]. UNICEF has also been disapproved of by the American Life League for the introduction of family planning as part of their maternal and child health services[30]. With these new services came the distribution of contraceptives by UNICEF to countries suffering overpopulation and poverty[31]. Soon after this controversy, UNICEF reportedly spent vast amounts of funding to initiate sterilisation facilities in countries around the world[32]. Further to these claims, the Catholic Church attacked UNICEF for its promotion of contraceptives, abortion and sterilisation, and display of a suction abortion machine order form on the UNICEF website[33]. In 1996, following the discovery of a sterilising agent in the UNICEF distributed tetanus vaccines in the Philippines, Mexico, Nicaragua, Tanzania, India and Nigeria, the Vatican actually withdrew its annual donation to UNICEF in condemnation of their practices[34]. Sudanese Oxford scholar Bona Malwal and The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) have also spoken out against UNICEF regarding Sudanese slavery. Bona Malwal believes that UNICEF is partly to blame for the continuing slavery in Sudan as they failed to act appropriately[35]. Malwal claims UNICEF has allowed the Sudanese government to escape all denunciation at the annual United Nations Human Rights meetings and turned a blind eye to the outrageous human rights breaches that occurred in Sudan[36]. In failing to acknowledge the slavery problem in Sudan and instead referring to countless abductions, Malwal holds UNICEF responsible for the hundreds of thousands of unaccounted for women and children[37]. Similarly, UNICEF has faced additional condemnation by the IHEU[38]. The IHEU have criticised UNICEF for delaying the slave rescue action to be undertaken by the Sudanese run Committee for Eradication of Abduction of Women and Children (CEAWAC)[39]. CEAWACs proposed operation was fiercely supported by the majority of Sudanese slaves and their families, yet UNICEF didnt act[40]. UNICEFs reluctance to call the victims of slavery slaves was another point for disparagement by the IHEU[41]. UNICEF is a humanitarian organisation, directing its efforts in various areas to help combat many of the violations against children that occur across the globe. Focus areas remain in the reduction of disease and malnutrition related deaths, dealing with HIV/AIDS sufferers, preventing the exploitation of children, ensuring equal access to education and providing sufficient support in times of emergency and conflict. However, despite its humanitarian objectives and efforts, UNICEF still receives criticism for some of its decisions and shortcomings. References International Humanist and Ethical Union (2005) IHEU speaks at UN of plight of Sudanese slaves, available: [accessed 15 Oct 2009] Mark, J. (2003) Slavery: Sudanese Scholar Speaks Out [online], available: [accessed 15 Oct, 2009] Mosher, S. (2009) UNICEF, WHO Want Alliance with Church but Promote Abortion [online], available: [accessed 12 Oct 2009] NGO Monitor (2003) UNICEF Funding Political Activities, NGO Monitor Analysis [online], 1(5), available: [accessed 12 Oct 2009] Tignor, L. (2005) The Truth About UNICEF [online], available: [accessed 12 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2006) UNICEFs Role in Emergencies [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Basic Education and Gender Equality: UNICEF in Action [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Child Protection from Violence, Exploitation and Abuse: the Big Picture [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Children and HIV and AIDS: UNICEF in Action [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Partnership for Education and Gender Equality [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Who We Are [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Young Child Survival and Development [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2009) Basic Education and Gender Equality [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2009) Child Protection from Violence, Exploitation and Abuse [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] United Nations (2009) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) [online], available: [Accessed 14 Oct, 2009] Bibliography Brizee, A. (2009) Memo Writing [online], available: [accessed 3 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Who We Are [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] ibid ibid UNICEF (2008) Young Child Survival and Development [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] ibid ibid ibid UNICEF (2008) Children and HIV and AIDS: UNICEF in Action [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] ibid ibid UNICEF (2008) Child Protection from Violence, Exploitation and Abuse: the Big Picture [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] ibid UNICEF (2009) Child Protection from Violence, Exploitation and Abuse [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2009) Basic Education and Gender Equality [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] United Nations (2009) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) [online], available: [accessed 14 Oct 2009] UNICEF, Basic Education and Gender Equality [online] ibid ibid UNICEF (2008) Basic Education and Gender Equality: UNICEF in Action [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2008) Partnership for Education and Gender Equality [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] UNICEF (2006) UNICEFs Role in Emergencies [online], available: [accessed 10 Oct 2009] ibid ibid ibid ibid NGO Monitor. (2003) UNICEF Funding Political Activities, NGO Monitor Analysis [online], 1(5), available [accessed 12 Oct 2009] NGO Monitor is a Jerusalem based organisation who monitor Middle Eastern NGOs with the aim of prohibiting other NGOs from promoting perceived ideologically motivated anti-Israel agendas. PYALARA is a student run Palestinian NGO. ibid ibid ibid Tignor, L. (2005) The Truth About UNICEF [online], available: [accessed 12 Oct 2009] ibid ibid Mosher, S. (2009) UNICEF, WHO Want Alliance with Church but Promote Abortion [online], available: [accessed 12 Oct 2009] Tignor, The Truth About UNICEF [online] Mark, J. (2003), Slavery: Sudanese Scholar Speaks Out [online], available [accessed 15 Oct, 2009] ibid ibid International Humanist and Ethical Union, (2005) IHEU speaks at UN of plight of Sudanese slaves, available: [accessed 15 Oct 2009] ibid ibid ibid

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

In the world of animals, those at the top of a dominance hierarchy are more beneficial than low-ranking animals1. However, the costs associated with being at the top of a hierarchy remain controversial1. Different studies reported contradictory findings on whether dominant or subordinate animals experienced greater stress levels2-3. Furthermore, Sapolsky4-5 suggested that hierarchy stability could potentially influence the stress levels experienced by high-ranking olive baboons. Given the results from previous literatures, Gesquiere et al.1 created a research question asking how do male savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus) respond to rank-related stress during stable and unstable hierarchy? They hypothesized that high-ranking males would exhibit higher levels of testosterone and glucocorticoid only when a hierarchy was unstable1. From this hypothesis, they predicted that during the month with unstable hierarchy, the high-ranking male savannah baboons would exhibit greater fecal testosterone (fT) and fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) levels than other males within the hierarchy; however, such phenomenon would not be observed during the month with a stable hierarchy1. To test this prediction, they conducted a long-term study on wild savannah baboons in Amboseli, Kenya1. Over a 9-year period, ecological, behavioral and physiological data including fT and fGC were collected monthly from 125 adult males1. General linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to predict the de pendent variables, fT and fGC, based on predictor variables including individual rank, hierarchy stability, and an interaction between the two1. Gesquiere et al.1 defined a stable hierarchy as the month when the males with the highest 3 ranking were the same as those in the p... ...nction9. However, a parasitic load in an individual was not only associated the individual immune function but also with how likely it is exposed to the infectious agents9. Hence, parasitic load would not be an accurate indicator of individual immune function9. In contrast, leukocyte count, which was used in another study to investigate immune function, could serve as a better indicator than parasitic load10. In conclusion, going beyond the study conducted by Gesquiere et al., the proposed experiment is significant because it can provide more insights into whether or not suppressed immune function is another potential cost for being at the top of the dominance hierarchy. Also, using leukocyte count as an indicator of immune function instead of parasitic load, the proposed experiment can further elucidate the contradicting findings reported by different literatures. Essay -- In the world of animals, those at the top of a dominance hierarchy are more beneficial than low-ranking animals1. However, the costs associated with being at the top of a hierarchy remain controversial1. Different studies reported contradictory findings on whether dominant or subordinate animals experienced greater stress levels2-3. Furthermore, Sapolsky4-5 suggested that hierarchy stability could potentially influence the stress levels experienced by high-ranking olive baboons. Given the results from previous literatures, Gesquiere et al.1 created a research question asking how do male savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus) respond to rank-related stress during stable and unstable hierarchy? They hypothesized that high-ranking males would exhibit higher levels of testosterone and glucocorticoid only when a hierarchy was unstable1. From this hypothesis, they predicted that during the month with unstable hierarchy, the high-ranking male savannah baboons would exhibit greater fecal testosterone (fT) and fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) levels than other males within the hierarchy; however, such phenomenon would not be observed during the month with a stable hierarchy1. To test this prediction, they conducted a long-term study on wild savannah baboons in Amboseli, Kenya1. Over a 9-year period, ecological, behavioral and physiological data including fT and fGC were collected monthly from 125 adult males1. General linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to predict the de pendent variables, fT and fGC, based on predictor variables including individual rank, hierarchy stability, and an interaction between the two1. Gesquiere et al.1 defined a stable hierarchy as the month when the males with the highest 3 ranking were the same as those in the p... ...nction9. However, a parasitic load in an individual was not only associated the individual immune function but also with how likely it is exposed to the infectious agents9. Hence, parasitic load would not be an accurate indicator of individual immune function9. In contrast, leukocyte count, which was used in another study to investigate immune function, could serve as a better indicator than parasitic load10. In conclusion, going beyond the study conducted by Gesquiere et al., the proposed experiment is significant because it can provide more insights into whether or not suppressed immune function is another potential cost for being at the top of the dominance hierarchy. Also, using leukocyte count as an indicator of immune function instead of parasitic load, the proposed experiment can further elucidate the contradicting findings reported by different literatures.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Introduction to Operating Systems

Brief history of three different Operating Systems (OS). For the three OS I chose Windows, Linux and Apple systems. Windows 1. 0: The very first version of Windows, Windows 1. 0, basic interface that used â€Å"gadgets,† like the calendar and calculator, but it gained little popularity. Released in 1985, the system had basic functionality, introduced the first version of MS Paint and a primitive word processor. Windows 2. 0: Released in 1987, was not much better than the first. While 2. 0 introduced two current staples Excel and Word to users 2. went under fire when Macintosh sued Microsoft for mimicking the look and feel of their current operating system. The lawsuit was dropped. Windows 3. 0: The introduction of virtual memory, improved graphics, and the ability to multitask helped propel Windows to sell 10 million copies. In fact, while it was released in 1990, Windows 3. 0 wasn't discontinued until 2001. Windows 3. 1: A pseudo-release for Microsoft, Windows 3. 1 contained fixes and improved font functionality. Microsoft continued to develop a new release, Windows NT, hoping it could be released as a continuation of Windows 3. and 3. 1. Unfortunately, issues with driver support and software meant it was time for a new version altogether. Windows 95: The change from 16-bit to 32-bit, Windows 95 was designed for increased compatibility and ultimate user-friendliness. Became clear that consumer computers would become the future, Windows 95 was offered on newer computers only because it lacked some backwards compatibility at first. Newer releases and patches made the version easier to use on older machines, by 1995, Microsoft had achieved a widespread interest in home computers. Windows 4. : The follow-up to Windows 3. 0, Windows 4. 0 released in 1996 with minor improvements and is not considered a major Windows release. Windows 98: As consumer computers became widespread, Windows 98 improved hardware and hardware drivers, Internet Explorer, and eventually Internet connection sharing. Released in 1998, with a new release in 1999, Microsoft 98 was the first release designed specifically for consumers, as opposed to the business or technology set. Windows 2000: Windows 2000 made everyone's lives easier increasing the number of plug and play devices compatible with the OS. Windows ME (Millennial Edition) was also released, offering the system recovery tool to help return a crashed computer to its last known operating settings. Windows XP: The system designed for ease and stability, Windows XP was released in 2001, offering plenty of ease and functionality for laptop and desktop users. The OS was designed to offer users help through a comprehensive help center, gave users the ability to consume a number of different types of media. Windows Vista: Widely considered a flop in technology circles, Windows Vista was released in 2006. Vista had high system requirements and suffered issues with performance and security. The OS also tended to drain laptop batteries. The version lasted only three years, during which some users downgraded back to XP avoiding the pitfalls of Vista. Windows 7: For this current release of Windows, Microsoft learned its mistakes with Vista and created an OS with speed, stability and minimal system requirements. Microsoft ditched the gadget bar from Vista, replacing with a cleaner feel. This version was released in 2009. Windows 8: This latest Windows release is getting a lot of attention. With redesigned Metro-style user interface and Windows Store, this version is, once again, redefining what Windows is. It also comes with integrated antivirus protection, a virtual hard disk and a new platform based on HTML5 and JavaScript. Windows 8 promises faster boot time, touchscreen compatibility and the ability to create a bootable USB flash drive. It may not be enough to get people to switch from Windows 7, but at least it's a glimpse into the future of the Windows operating system. Linux is an OS for your computer. Like the Mac and Windows systems, it provides the basic computer services needed for someone to do things with a computer. It is the middle layer between the computer hardware and the software applications you run. Full applications have capabilities like boldface type and picture editing tools. None of this is available through the OS. Yet all of it is done by communicating with the machinery of the computer through the OS. You may highlight a word in word processor and tell it that you want that word in bold type, but the OS tells the computer which pixels (or part of the screen) to darken. Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds and a band of programmers who voluntarily developed the core program of the system (aka, the kernel). That program was originally compatible for another operating system called Minix, but later development made it usable with GNU software. GNU is pronounced like the animal and stands for ‘GNU's Not Unix. ‘ It was a project conceived by Richard Stallman in 1983 in response to the increasing tendency of software companies to copyright their software under terms that prohibited sharing. GNU's purpose: to develop a wholly free system. It had achieved significant progress toward this goal by the time that Linus and others had developed their kernel in the 1990s. While many people refer to the combination of the two as â€Å"Linux†, this is not correct. The kernel combined with GNU's free software is properly called â€Å"GNU/Linux. Both the kernel and the software are freely available under licensing that is sometimes called â€Å"copyleft†. Where traditional copyright was meant to restrict usage and ownership of a copyrighted item to as few people as possible, inhibiting development and growth, GNU/Linux is different. It is released under terms designed to ensure that as many people as possible are allowed to receive, use, share, and modify the software. That license is called the GPL (GNU Public License). Ubuntu depends on the Linux kernel and includes many GNU applications. So, when someone speaks of the Ubuntu kernel for a computer, they are actually talking about a recent version of the Linux kernel. Most of the applications that are available for Ubuntu are either part of the GNU collection or are released under the GPL. For Apple not much information was found. However, they provide a timeline of the OS. 1978: In June of 1978 Apple introduces Apple DOS 3. 1, the first operating system for the Apple computers. 1984: Apple introduces System 1. 1985: Apple introduces System 2. 1986: Apple introduces System 3. 1987: Apple introduces System 4. 1988: Apple introduces System 6. 1991: Apple introduces System 7 operating system May 13, 1991. 1995: Apple allows other computer companies to clone its computer by announcing it is licensed the Macintosh operating system rights to Radius on January 4. 1997: Apple introduces Mac OS 8. 997: Apple buys NeXT Software Inc. for $400 million and acquires Steve Jobs, Apples cofounder, as a consultant. 1999: Apple introduces Mac OS 9. 2001: Apple introduces Mac OS X 10. 0 code named Cheetah and becomes available March 24, 2001. 2001: Apple introduces Mac OS X 10. 1 code named Puma and becomes available on September 25, 2001. 2002: Apple introduces Mac OS X 10. 2 code named Jaguar and becomes available on August 23, 2002. 2003: Apple introduces Mac OS X 10. 3 code named Panther October 25, 2003. 2004: Apple introduces Mac OS X 10. code named Tiger at the WWDC on June 28, 2004. 2007: Apple introduces Mac OS X 10. 5 code named Leopard October 26, 2007. 2008: Apple introduces Mac OS X 10. 6 code named Snow Leopard and MobileMe at the WWDC on June 9, 2008. Factors that may lead users to upgrade the OS they use is stability, performance and security. Windows Vista had many issues in these areas making users switch back to XP. For other OS not quite sure if any had serious issues, though the newer versions gave more reason to upgrade. My personal use of OS has only been with Windows and A pple IOS on a cell phone. Never a fan of Apple but Windows I like. It has been so long since I used XP that I am unsure of why I switched other than I had to because my new PC had a different version. Despite the problems with Vista I was like Sheldon when using 7 the first time, 7 is too user friendly. However, I love Windows 7 and do not intend on upgrading until I have no choice. For Apple use on a cell phone there may be a chance I do not like this IOS because it is only through a phone and they have not yet made phones run just like PC’s. I do plan on buying an Apple computer soon so I can get more experience with the OS. Linux is an OS I am not even sure if I ever used, it is possible I did when computers first came out because my neighbor was a computer fan and was also the person that got me into technology. That was so long ago that I barely recall anything I did through her computers, all I remember is I had to tell the PC what to do like command prompts. If Linux OS is the same, than I do enjoy this system.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Financial management Finner ltd investment

In today ‘s competitory concern environment, the effectual direction of invention is an indispensable activity for a house to keep its fight and finally survive. Traditional methods of pull offing administrations are said to be uneffective in battling a disruptive universe, full of uncertainness. Technological promotions and an accelerated gait of alteration are major factors act uponing direction precedences and are disputing traditional concern theoretical accounts. This realization has brought about the development of corporate entrepreneurship and the importance managing and developing invention. The intent of this study is to critically measure to importance of making and developing chances, pull offing invention and corporate entrepreneurship in relation to acting as an entrepreneurial administration. The study will discourse the assorted constructs and will peculiarly concentrate on the activities of 3M in relation to the constructs. The study will get down by supplying a background of 3M in relation to its activities, coverage and values and will supply an overview of the subjects covered in the study. This will be followed by treatments on making and developing chances, pull offing invention and behaving as an entrepreneurial administration in relation to 3M and its operations. Based on the research conducted and decisions, it is evident that 3M values creativeness and invention to a high regard and has incorporated systems and programmes at all degrees of the administration to back up an ambiance of entrepreneurial behavior. 3M ‘s path record and strong repute of invention is grounds that these enterprises have proved successful for the administration. Despite their success, 3M has besides faced assorted challenges due to the altering nature of the markets which they operate within. It is recommended that 3M continue to revise their enterprises in order to accommodate to the altering nature of the environment. In making so, 3M will keep its fight against industry challengers and will go on to advance a healthy ambiance of invention, creativeness and entrepreneurship. Such administrations will make good to analyze the model instance of 3M as they provide a good illustration of success in entrepreneurial behavior.IntroductionThe Purpose of this study is to critically measure how 3M appears to move in relation to making and developing chances, pull offing invention and behaving as an entrepreneurial administration. The study will get down by supplying an overview of 3M ; foregrounding its key merchandises and services, its concern activities and operations and discoursing the nucleus value of the company. The range of the study will be taken from a planetary graduated table as 3M is an international administration and the clip frame will cover the early yearss of t he concern from its initial beginnings in 1902 to present twenty-four hours, peculiarly concentrating on recent development at 3M.3M3M is a scientific discipline based company who produce merchandises in a scope of market sectors from high manner safety to wellness attention to place and office merchandises to adhesives and abradants. The company has 75,000 employees globally with 3,500 within the UK and Ireland. The administration has more than 35 concern unites which are organised into six concern which include show and artworks, electro and communicating, industrial and transit, consumer and office, safety, security and protection services and wellness attention. 3M operates in more than 65 states with 35 research labs and 35 international companies with fabricating operations. The concern operations cover 28 States in America and the company presently has 6,700 research workers worldwide with 3,400 in the United States. 3M ‘s merchandises are based on 45 engineering platforms, some of which include light direction, nonwoven stuffs, abradants, micro-replication, nanotechnology, adhesives and surface alteration. The company values are based on honestness and unity and are centred on employee development through assorted endowment and leading enterprises and besides on fulfilling their clients with superior quality, value and advanced engineering solutions to guarantee a sustainable planetary growing and an attractive return to their investors.Report OverviewThe debut will be followed by subdivision 3 which will discourse the activities of 3M in relation to making and developing chances. Section 4 will foreground how 3M Acts of the Apostless in relation to pull offing invention. Section 5 will analyze the operations of 3M in relation to acting as an entrepreneurial administration. Finally, subdivision 6 will briefly summarize the decisions.Making and Developing OpportunitiesHarmonizing to Wickham ( 2006 ) , the designation, choice and development of the right chances are indispensable activities for houses in today ‘s dynamic concern environment. The ‘entrepreneur ‘ is said to be at the bosom of the procedure. An entrepreneur identifies concern chances to make and present value to stakeholders ( Companys and Mullen, 2007 ) . Despite this realization, the exact nature or beginnings of chances are ill-defined and has caused struggle amongst research workers within the survey country ( Ardichvili et al, 2003 ) . Companys and Mullen ( 2007 ) , classify chances as economic ( technological and market chances – stuff invention ) , cultural cognitive ( cultural inventions ) and socio-political ( societal webs and authorities constructions ) and discuss chance from a supply and demand position. Ardichvili et Al ( 2003 ) , argue that there is a deficiency of comprehensive research associating to the designation and development of chances and that such theory are unable to bridge research and pattern in specifying a sound solution as a agency of reacting market demands. Ardichvili et Al ( 2003 ) construct on bing theoretical and empirical surveies and suggest a model to help in the chance designation and development procedure. They besides province that chance acknowledgment is frequently a hard procedure and is one which is influenced by the undermentioned factors: Entrepreneurial watchfulness Prior Knowledge and information dissymmetry Social webs Personality traits ( optimism, self belief, and creativeness ) The types of chance Ardichvili et Al ( 2003 ) , province that in add-on to the identified factors, careful probe of and the sensitiveness to market demands every bit good as the ability to place optimum deployment of resources will assist in the development procedure. A restriction to their research is that it focuses on the development procedure in relation to an enterpriser. Despite this, their research provides an apprehension into the chance designation and development procedure and can besides be adapted to an organizational degree in order to work market chances. Below is a basic theoretical account of the advanced procedure which is a valuable tool for seeking, choosing, implementing and capturing chances:Figure 1: Basic Model of the Innovation Process3M recognises the importance of the chance designation and development procedure and that their clients play a crucial in the procedure. Harmonizing to ( Bassant & A ; Tidd, 2007 ) 3M strive to keep a close relationship with their clients and do non go forth the designation procedure to their selling squad. 3M believes that their best thoughts originate from their clients and they committee their research workers to pass a batch of clip with their terminal user clients to understand their demand. Problem work outing squads are besides sent out to client sites to cover with their alone jobs. This is an of import manner for 3M to keep relationships with their clients and besides a manner to develop their competences and generate solutions to possible jobs where 3M employees may happen the inspiration to introduce or develop new engineering solutions. 3M believes that long enduring trueness can be achieved from client committedness. Dr William E. Coyne ( Senior Vice President of Research and Development at 3M ) supports this position:â€Å" We want to turn. Indeed we must turn if we want to last – and to make that we need the trueness of our clients. To acquire that trueness we need to turn to their demands. The best mann er to turn to those demands is with advanced merchandises and engineerings. †Additionally, in 1982 3M developed planning Centres called Strategic Business Centres ( SBC ) as a means to organize the cognition and activities of their runing units in order to derive a competitory advantage in the assorted markets that they operate within. The intent of the SBCs is to recognize related engineerings, capablenesss, and systems and associating them with client demands. The purpose is to work together in the designation and development procedure of new merchandises and engineering solutions ( Tita & A ; Allio, 1984 ) . This is another illustration of 3M ‘s efforts to make and develop chances. Burns ( 2008 ) identifies six polar strategic push which demonstrates the evolving nature of 3M activities in making and developing chances: Get near to clients and understand their demands Seek out niche markets Having identified market chances, diversify into these related countries Pursue merchandise development and invention at every degree of the administration through research Get different parts of the administration to pass on, portion cognition and work together Encourage accomplishment through acknowledgment and wages strategies These strategic pushs evolved as 3M ‘s learning experiences evolved over the clip period of 1920 to present twenty-four hours. Emphasis was peculiarly placed on acquiring near to their clients and understanding their demand in order to recognize possible market chances. 3M employees were the tools for working these chances. Employees with proficient accomplishments and old cognition provide the needed inputs for merchandise rating and development. The following subdivision will discourse how 3M act in relation to pull offing invention. The subdivision will get down by supplying an overview of invention direction, foregrounding cardinal theories and associating them to the activity of 3M.Pull offing InventionTrott ( 2002 ) argues that invention is the engine for growing and that companies must be able to accommodate and germinate if they wish to last. Pull offing invention is said to be a cardinal undertaking for determination shapers in prolonging a house ‘s fight and leting for continued growing ( Kuczmarski, 1996 ) . Despite this realization, there is considerable disagreement amongst many administrations sing the demand to keep stableness and a modus operandi of activities to carry through day-to-day undertakings or the demand for creativeness and the development of new thoughts and merchandises to stay competitory ( Deakins & A ; Freel, 2009 ) . This poses one of the most cardinal jobs for direction today with tensen ess environing organizational efficiency additions against creativeness additions ( Trott, 2002 ) . The direction of invention is a complex procedure because it involves the effectual direction of a assortment of different activities across different maps ( Burns, 2008 ) . Reilly & A ; DiAngelo ( 1987 ) , province that effectual communicating ( formal and informal ) with the concern environment ( internal and external ) along with a support substructure and exceed down encouragement will help in the procedure of invention direction. Below is a basic theoretical account of organizational invention.Figure 2: Basic Model of InnovationTrott ( 2002 ) identifies organizational feature that facilitate the procedure of pull offing invention:FeaturesRequirementsGrowth OrientationCompanies that are advanced have the aim to turn the concern and actively program for long term net incomesWatchfulnessThis requires uninterrupted scanning of the environment ( internal and external ) by all members of an administration and non merely senior direction. Often formal or informal and this information s hould be shared with other mapsCommittedness to TechnologyA house must hold a long term attack to puting in engineering and a committedness to resources such as rational input from scientist and applied scientists in order to retain and pull quality employeesCredence of RisksA house must hold the willingness to see carefully hazardous chances. This besides includes doing hazard appraisals and taking deliberate hazardsCross-Functional CooperationThis requires the ability to construct relationships between assorted maps ( selling and R & A ; D ) and the ability to decide any transverse functional strugglesReceptivenessThe capableness of an administration to be cognizant of, place and take effectual advantage of externally developed engineeringSlackThis involves leting persons a certain grade of freedom or flexibleness to believe, experiment, discourse thoughts and be originativeAdaptabilityAn administration must be ready to accept alteration in the manner it manages its internal activ ities and must hold the ability to accommodate to the altering environmentDiverse Range of SkillsAn administration requires a combination of specializer accomplishments and cognition along with general accomplishments to ease cross-fertilization of the specializer cognition. Additional, intercrossed directors and persons with proficient and commercial cognition are required to help the transportation of cognitionTable 1: Organizational Features that Facilitate Innovation ManagementHarmonizing to Bassant & A ; Tidd ( 2007 ) , 3M has established a clear repute as a major pioneer and that their successes can be measured in footings of the figure family discovery merchandises they have introduced which include Scotch tape, Post-it Notes and Scotchgard rug protection. Kuczmarski ( 1996 ) , states that invention is a mentality and that it is best described as a permeant attitude that allows concerns to see beyond the present and make a future vision. Harmonizing to ( Bassant & A ; Tidd, 2007 ) , the advanced mentality became evident in the early 1920s when William McKnight became the company ‘s new leader. McKnight began his direction attack by engaging an discoverer by the name of Francis Okie who developed the construct of a waterproof sand paper which proved successful amongst 3M ‘s clients. This prompted a new market scheme for 3M of merchandise distinction and Francis Okie became the first full clip employee who focused on merchandise development. The success of such enterprises encouraged McKnight to set his religion in the abilities of his work force and prompted negotiations with his direction squad to play a polar function in making an ambiance where their work force felt inclined to bring forth extraordinary consequences. This ulterior became the cardinal subject of organizational direction at 3M and is apparent in the undermentioned quotation marks by William McKnight:â€Å" As our concern grows, it becomes progressively necessary to depute duty and to promote work forces and adult females to exert their enterprise. This requires considerable tolerance. Those work forces and adult females, to whom we delegate authorization and duty, if they are good people, are traveling to desire to make their occupations in their ain manner. †Ã¢â‚¬Å" Mistakes will be made. But if a individual is basically right, the errors he or she makes are non as serious in the long tally as the errors direction will do if it undertakes to st ate those in governments precisely how they must make their occupations. †Ã¢â‚¬Å" Management that is destructively critically when errors are made putting to deaths inaugural. It ‘s indispensable that we have many people with inaugural if we are to go on to turn †The corporate construction of 3M besides plays a cardinal function in the procedure of pull offing invention. 3M has a divisional construction which has developed organically from bottom up as a consequence of successful inventions nurtured in undertakings ( Burns, 2008 ) . The construction ab initio appears priestly because of the different degrees, groups and divisions ; nevertheless, determination devising is decentralised and there is a horizontal flow of information which allows for speedy determination devising and for coaction amongst the assorted groups. The function of directors at 3M is to back up and promote an ambiance of creativeness and invention whilst top direction service as the mechanism to reenforce the credence of failure and to legalize hazard pickings. 3M ‘s committedness to invention is apparent when sing their long-run investings in R & A ; D ( estimated at US $ 1 billion per twelvemonth which is 6 % of gross revenues ) and their gross revenues marks. Harmonizing to Bassant & A ; Tidd ( 2007 ) , 3M program on a annual footing to deduce 30 % of gross revenues from merchandises introduced within four old ages, with 10 % of gross revenues from merchandises introduced to market within one twelvemonth. The rules behind their ambitious marks is that invention is clip sensitive and that rushing up the merchandise development and selling clip will confound their competition and finally heighten their fight. To day of the month, 3M conveys a consistent image of invention via publications and when carry oning interviews with possible employees. The doctrine of ‘the manner we do things around here ‘ is said to be the key to 3M ‘s success because it creates the conditions in which inventions can be developed by anyone and from any way such as calculated inventions and lucky accidents. An illustration of a luck accident is that of the development of the Post-it Note by a researcher Art Fry who spotted the potency of a failed adhesive merchandise. The following subdivision will analyze how 3M behaves in relation to being an entrepreneurial administration. The subdivision will get down by researching the impression of an entrepreneurial administration, foregrounding cardinal theories and associating them to the activity of 3M.Entrepreneurial AdministrationWickham ( 2006 ) , province that alterations in engineering, market competition and client outlooks is altering traditional methods of pull offing an administration. Wickham ( 2006 ) argues that due to an accelerated rate of alteration there is an increased degree of uncertainness and turbulency within many industries which is coercing today ‘s concerns to rethink their corporate schemes in order to last. This statement is supported by Burns ( 2008 ) , who states that entrepreneurial direction has become a extremely valued accomplishment to be nurtured, developed and encouraged. Burns ( 2008 ) , continues to province that traditional direction patterns which focused on efficiency and effectivity instead than creativeness and invention are non plenty to stay competitory and in being antiphonal to market alterations. This realization has brought about the construct of corporate entrepreneurship and the quest of going an entrepreneurial administration. Despite this, there appears to be small consensus on the significance of the term ( Deakins & A ; Freel, 2009 ) . Below is a theoretical account of the entrepreneurial procedure as identified by Timmons & A ; Spinelli ( 2006 ) :Figure 3: The Entrepreneurial ProcedureHarmonizing to Burns ( 2008 ) , corporate entrepreneurship can be described as the behavior of an administration that encourages creativeness and invention at all degrees in the administration ( corporate, groups, divisions, concern units and functional or project squads ) with the aim of deriving a competitory advantage. Entrepreneurial direction is an emerging construct within the survey country which is described the ability to take and pull off and entrepreneurial administration in a manner which encourages invention, seeking for chances, inquiries conventional thoughts and patterns and continuously seeking ways to better and make a competitory advantage ( Burns, 2008 ) . Burns ( 2008 ) identifies the undermentioned factors as act uponing the entrepreneurial direction procedure: scheme, leading, organizational acquisition, civilization, selling, invention and creativeness, knowledge direction and entrepreneurship. This implies that the entrepreneurial direction procedure is complex and that it demands a multidimensional attack to pull offing. Below is a basic theoretical account which represents an entrepreneurial administration.Figure 4: Basic theoretical account of an Entrepreneurial AdministrationAdam Brand ( Manager of Business Information Services at 3M UK ) discusses the importance of cognition direction and invention at 3M in relation to acting as an entrepreneurial administration. Brand ( 1998 ) states that the aim of 3M is to go the most advanced company in the universe and that the effectual usage of cognition direction enterprises are the tools for gaining their aims. Brand ( 1998 ) continues by saying that long term committedness from top direction, enlisting of the right people and strong support and acknowledgment systems are required to guarantee conditions for invention and entrepreneurship are in topographic point. Below are the identified direction enterprises and support programmes within 3M which facilitate an ambiance for invention and entrepreneurship:ElementssActionsBenefitsEntire Company InvolvementTop direction see it as one of their major responsibilities to back up and promote persons, groups and divisions Encourages knowledge linkages and coactionTraditionLifetime employment and publicity from within are of import traditional 3M policies Low employee turnover, increased motive and occupation satisfactionContinuityManagement encourage employees to work and see other divisions, sections and states Physiques a personal connexion with other 3M employees and across different sections and cultural boundariesLoyalty Over TimeLifelong employment and publicity from within agencies employees trust 3M and will be loyal over clip Allows clip for originative thought to be nurtured and advanced discoveries to take topographic pointTolerance of Mistakes3M does non penalize errors but encourages risk taking Creates an environment where employees are non afraid to utilize their enterprise and encourages innovative believingNarrative StatingTop directors who joined the company at a immature age and who have absorbed the company ‘s traditions and narratives re-tell those narratives and their experiences This reinforces the traditions, values and attitudes which promotes an ambiance that encourages inventionFlat Administration3M ‘s level organizational construction allows determination devising to be made at all degrees This allows 3M to continuously develop, to accommodate and to seek for new beginnings of deriving a competitory advantageInvention Approachs3M has taken two chief attacks to invention: shaping needs that 3M could utilize its engineering ( knowledge by design ) and developing new engineerings that require merchandise applications to be found ( cognition by outgrowth ) Approach one allows proficient employees to specify clients unarticulated demands which frequently leads to new invention whilst attack two allows inventions to emerge over clipCross Divisional CooperationTop direction encourages cross divisional cooperation Breaks down barriers and allows for invention to distribute across 3M instead than being centred in specific bunchsCoping with ChaosTop direction brand allowances and are non speedy to judge, buttocks and audit undertakings This allows advanced persons to develop their thoughts over clip without tight restraintsTable 2: Top Management Long-Term CommitmentElementssActionsBenefitsOrganizational Structure3M have put in topographic point a figure of constructions and acknowledgment programmes To keep the balance and to avoid over accent on efficiency and controls at the cost of larningCarnivals, Technical Audits and Chapters3M employees are invited from around the company to analyze thoughts and to measure whether the different thoughts can be applied to the assorted markets in which 3M operates within This brings together people, accomplishments and cognition from diverse backgrounds which frequently consequences in the coevals of new thoughts and inventions15 % Rule3M ‘s 15 % regulation allows employees to pass 15 % of their clip working on advanced thoughts or undertakings of their ain choosing This encourages employees to work on side undertakings of personal involvement to them and has resulted in a figure of of import new concerns for 3MGrants3M employees can use for a Genesis or an Alpha grant to help in the development of a undertaking ( equipment or labor to make their bing work whilst they spend clip on their 15 % undertaking ) or developing thoughts ( non proficient procedures ) Provides support to help with the development of undertakings or an thought and gives employees flexibleness to concentrate on their single chases outside of work demandsRecognition ProgramsThere are a figure of publicity strategies ( double ladder procedure – publicity to frailty president ) and acknowledgment awards ( Golden Step Award and Circle of Technical Excellence ) This ensures that advanced persons are known and recognised across the company and besides to promote other to originate their ain activitiesTable 3: Programs for Supporting Innovation and EntrepreneurshipElementssActionsBenefitsRecruitment and Choice3M recruiters search for people who are originative, have a strong worth moral principle, are self motivated and resourceful, and are job convergent thinkers with wide involvements Attracts persons who are eager to larn, willing to research thoughts with others, have a multi-disciplinary attack and who are happy networkingCulture3M has a acquisition and experimental civilization which is supportive and allow persons to boom Creates an empowering and lovingness civilization which encourages enterprise which increases employee satisfaction and motive degreesTable 4: Recruiting and Keeping the Right Peoples3M ‘s record and reputes as an advanced company is grounds that these enterprises are effectual tools for pull offing an entrepreneurial administration. Brand ( 1998 ) , argues that simply implementing such systems are non plenty to vouch success for an administration but instead making a civilization or an entrepreneurial clime which supports invention and pulling the right people are necessary conditions for developing an entrepreneurial ambiance. 3M has a strong civilization of invention which has permeated the administration from top direction. This civilization has been in topographic point for many old ages at 3M and is considered more of a tradition and is a nucleus characteristic of the values and beliefs of 3M. The activities of 3M demonstrate their committedness to uninterrupted bettermen t and will guarantee they continue accomplishing their mission of being ‘the most advanced company in the universe ‘ . Harmonizing to Burns ( 2008 ) , today ‘s challenge for 3M is to keep its impulse and repute for invention. As a consequence of 3M ‘s growing, its activities have increased in complexness and besides due to the assortment of its different merchandise offerings, in different markets and at different phases of the merchandise life rhythm 3M has recognised the importance of following different managerial attacks to guarantee continued success. Burns ( 2008 ) , continues by saying that although 3M has had a batch of success from different enterprises, its high hazard attack to R & A ; D and invention is non appropriate to all sectors, some of their ambitious marks may non be accomplishable by all divisions and besides as a consequence of increased competition enterprises such as the 15 % regulation have been placed under intense force per unit area, to the point of being described as an attitude instead than a world. The following subdivision will summarize the decisions and cardinal thoughts discussed in the study.DecisionThe research conducted in the countries of invention and entrepreneurship has highlighted the importance of recognizing the evolving nature of today ‘s concern environment. It has provided an understanding into ways of making and developing chances, pull offing invention and behaving as an entrepreneurial administration. It is just to propose that 3M behaves in a mode which can be classified as an entrepreneurial administration. The systems, programmes and enterprises have been cardinal mechanisms in enabling 3M to make an ambiance of invention and entrepreneurship. This has proved successful for the concern and is apparent in the figure of family merchandises which have been introduced to the market. Despite 3M ‘s path record of success, they must besides recognize the evolving nature of their concern environment and go on to germinate to the altering demands of their markets. 3M must besides turn to their current challenges and program schemes to pull off them efficaciously. If non efficaciously managed, 3M ‘s employees can lose their motive and their advanced flicker. It is non plenty for 3M to trust on old cognition and experiences as mechanisms to excite entrepreneurial behavior. 3M must go on to germinate at the rate their concern environment is maturating in order to go on making and developing chances, pull offing invention and go on acting as an entrepreneurial administration. In making so, 3M will be able to go on populating up to its mission of being ‘the most advanced company in the universe ‘ . Administrations will make good to analyze the model instance of 3M as they provide a good illustration of success in entrepreneurial behavior.

Psychology Gender essays

Psychology Gender essays Gender Differences in Attitudes towards Sex Whose reasoning do you find most persuasive? Why? Consider issues of reliability and validity in relation to testing. I found that the evolutionary explanation was more persuasive because I believe in differences of attitudes towards sex between males and females to be derived from human nature. The explanation of the critics seemed to be blaming too much on society and the world for the difference of attitudes towards sex between the genders. Sex is something that has existed ever since man and woman had first stepped foot on Earth. Their attitudes towards sex may have changed throughout time but the basis of their views is still associated to the evolutionary aspect on sex. For example, during the period of cavemen, long before urban societies and governments had been established, men would have generally searched for the same type of women men today are usually drawn to, which are the pretty and healthy ones (although not speaking for every male). My personal theory: men are naturally and instinctively drawn to fertile looking women for the sake of producing a healthy baby in the future. Still being on the topic of cavemen, it is natural that women tend to look for the strongest and biggest men. In cavemen society, women would have realized that they lived under a strongest of the fittest system and most likely would have been attracted to the toughest male. Todays society exemplifies the same situation; women are attracted to affluent males that are dominant with lots of power. Therefore, I clearly believe through generations and generations the view of women towards sex has been generally similar. Although society may alter which type of men women seem to be drawn to, the most attractive men in every generation all seem to have one similar quality, and that is being at the top. Whether it may be the strongest, richest, or most powerful, women are ge...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Assignment Tax essayEssay Writing Service

Assignment Tax essayEssay Writing Service Assignment Tax essay Assignment Tax essayOn 10 May 2013, the IRS issued regulations under section 336(e) that allow taxpayers in certain situations to elect to treat sales and distributions of 80Â  percent of a corporation’s (the target) stock as taxable sales of the target’s assets (Taxation of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, 2014). In such a way, the US fiscal policy aims at the enhancement of the transparency of fiscal operations and minimizes the risk of tax avoidance. The development of section 336(e) contributed to raising barriers on the way of international fiscal schemes that allow money laundering and transferring money off shore.Net investment income tax imposes 3.8% tax on net investment income of individuals, estates and trusts (Taxation of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, 2014). In such a way, the US fiscal policy aims at the accurate and effective taxation of investment incomes obtained by companies as well as individuals operating internationally. At this point , it is worth mentioning the fact that some companies have developed numerous schemes of tax evasion using their investments as the way to transfer their capital off shore or to other countries, where the fiscal legislation is more liberal and less restrictive. In such a way, the national legislation raises barriers for international schemes planned for tax avoidance and other schemes.Furthermore, the Foreign account tax Compliance act (FatCa) was enacted into law to address tax evasion by US taxpayers that hold unreported assets in financial accounts and undisclosed interests in foreign entities (Taxation of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, 2014). The tax evasion is a serious threat to the national economy. At the same time, international transfers are the most efficient way to complete tax evasions fast and effectively. Local law enforcement agencies have difficulties with the investigation of such crimes. The elimination of fiscal barriers and the enhancement of the foreign account tax policies help to minimize the risk of the violation of tax policies and prevents the problem of tax evasion.One of the major advancement in fiscal policies at the international level is the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards. International Financial Reporting Standards introduce the common set of standards of financial reporting at the local and international level. In such a way, International Financial Reporting Standards help to balance the international legislation and fiscal policies, to harmonize them and develop common, transparent standards and principles that will contribute to the transparency of accounting and financial performance. International Financial Reporting Standards have been implemented since 2012. The first phase of the International financial Reporting Standards was introduced in 2013 and the preparation for the introduction of the second phase has started. 2014 involved the evaluation and assessment of the implementation of phase one of International Financial Reporting Standards. The accurate assessment is pivotal for the further implementation of phase two of International Financial Reporting Standards.Furthermore, the international cooperation in fiscal policies contributes to the tighter regulations and higher transparency of fiscal policies and accounting of businesses operating at the domestic and international market (Chernick Reschovsky, 2000). In this regard, the introduction of the automated information exchange international standard is an important step toward to the enhancement of the international fiscal policies and standards that facilitate the tax policy and tax accountability of businesses.At the same time, well-developed nations, including the US and the EU assist developing countries into the implementation of international accountability standards and fiscal policies that match international standards (Fighting Tax Evasion and Avoidance: A year of progress, 2014). In such a wa y, developed nations help developing ones to close fiscal gaps and help to introduce effective systems of monitoring and control. However, the key to the effective fiscal policies at the international level is the transparency of fiscal policies.However, one of the primary concerns of the international community in terms of fiscal policies was tackling tax heavens and aggressive tax planning that prevent the risk of the development of tax evasion schemes and transferring substantial financial resources offshore.3)International Financial Reporting Standards may become the tax framework within which international fiscal system can operate successfully. At the same time, the implementation of the common, global fiscal framework does not necessarily mean the resolution of the problem of tax avoidance. In fact, the tax avoidance occurs not only because of differences in fiscal policies and different policy standards but also because of the different in fiscal policies conducted by fiscal institutions of each country. At this point, the International Financial Reporting Standards can become a solid financial framework for well-developed nations with the solid legal system, well-established democracy, and low level of corruption. On the contrary, some developing nations, like Nigeria, for example, face the high risk of corruption. Even emerging economies, like China, suffer from the high level of corruption. Therefore, in case of the creation of the global tax framework after the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards, countries with the high level of corruption may become new tax heavens for companies and individuals, who want to hide their profits and pay fewer taxes.At the same time, the risk of corruption is not the only obstacle for the successful introduction of the global fiscal framework. The implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards and the elaboration of the common fiscal policy worldwide raises the problem the economic disparity in the global economy and the different dynamics of the economic development of different countries (Holzman, 2005). What is meant here is the fact that fiscal policies, including fiscal policies regulating international financial operations, are effective tools that help governments to stimulate business activities and balance the economic development. For example, in case of ‘overheating’ of the domestic economy, the government of a country may be willing to raise taxes to avoid the further ‘overheating’ that may lead to the crisis of overproduction and further economic decline. On the contrary, the government of a country that suffers from the economic recession may need to eliminate fiscal barriers and introduce more liberal fiscal legislation to attract more investors. In such a way, they can boost their economic development. However, the introduction of the International Financial Reporting Standards as the common, global tax frame work will become an obstacle for such independent policies conducted by governments. Obviously, at the moment, national governments are not ready to put international fiscal policies above their national economic interests. Therefore, even in case of the introduction of the International Financial Reporting Standards as the global tax framework, this framework will be unable to prevent the risk of tax avoidance.Nevertheless, the introduction of the International Financial Reporting Standards as the common, global tax framework can lay the foundation to the development of common fiscal policies and tax legislation. The introduction of the tax framework implemented internationally will stimulate the introduction of the common tax legislation that will help to prevent the risk of tax avoidance. Even though the International Financial Reporting Standards will not eliminate the problem of the tax avoidance point blank, but still such global tax framework helps to decrease such a risk. At this point, the elaboration of common international standards is an important step toward the effective prevention of tax avoidance at the international level. At any rate, the global tax framework helps to stimulate companies to introduce common strategies to match international fiscal standards. In the course of time, International Financial Reporting Standards can help to make the global business more transparent.In such a way, the International Financial Reporting Standards as the global tax framework will not bring immediate positive changes in terms of the tax avoidance minimization but still the global tax framework will have a positive impact on the development of international business and fiscal policies. Even though the International Financial Reporting Standards will not eliminate the problem of the tax avoidance, they will help to decrease the risk of the tax avoidance.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

World War II through the 1970s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

World War II through the 1970s - Essay Example Nations have become aware of political, social and military implications of the war. World War II created a number of turning points which have impacted the current American society, politically, economically and socially. The results of the war II came up with civil rights, awareness and programs. 2.0 World War II: Turning points and impacts During the 1970s, there were two major historical turning points. One of the major turning points included the 1945 October 24 establishment of United Nations; this was one of the two international organizations that were created during the 20th century by the United Kingdom, United States and the Soviet Union. The United Nations was regarded as the League of Nations which by then, represented one hundred and ninety members from well recognized states. The purpose of the United Nations organization was to promote and maintain peace initiatives among different countries, it also tried to promote nations to work with friendly relations. The fundam ental aspects that were outlined included; saving Nations from conflicts and wars, reaffirming human fundamental rights and setting guidelines on treaties that were justifiable to a number of obligations and source of conflicts, it also created international laws to monitor and safeguard various Nations well being. Other organizations that were set up later included the NATO; this organization was established as a military alliance in 1949 and aimed to develop an overweight and powerful soviet army (Barret, 1998). The second major historical turning point that occurred during the World War II was the Watergate scandal; this was a complex network of politically serious scandals which occurred in the period of 1972-1974. It led to mistrust among political leaders and tax evasions which led to an assertion that no one was above the law. This turning point directly signified a well hypothesized mistrust towards a number of elected leaders, but positively it demonstrated the power create d by the new media, additionally it provided the constitutions checks and balances that could be used to curtail execution powers (Strathman, 1994). The impact of historical turning points of World War II during the last 20 years and over saw a number of street crimes, poverty emerging drastically, a number of infrastructures diminishing, other buildings started to decay and become part of city lives. This impacted the American economical state, due to its severity the World War II brought about a number of changes on how wars brought about a number of changes if fought politically by use of ideologies and tactical warfare. United States continued to become a super power by conquering and commanding the world food market industry, nations then began to seek lands so as to control majority of the world’s wealth. The reset of war II prompted numerous expeditions and mobilization of American resources. In addition to this, quiet industries were revitalized, the agricultural sect or grew and the economy boomed growing from low production to a strong powerful economy. Politically, the World War II initiated a major significant factor which was federal management of the economy (Strathman, 1994). 3.0. Aftermath of war: civil rights, and programs Before the Second World War, during the 1930s, America strived to stay out of conflicts, it was a diverse of opinions with Americans arguing that Europe was already in a mess and it was not ideally wise to engage the country in another bloody war like the First World War. Americans wanted the allied Nations to prevail, wanting the US to directly stay out of the war. This made them to guard and safeguard their own interests. The women took part in winning the war by

Friday, October 18, 2019

Impact of big data on data management functions Essay

Impact of big data on data management functions - Essay Example Distinguishing characteristics of Big Data are its capabilities of circumnavigating data utilization and limitation issues. It deploys highly cohesive methods for data nomenclature and architecture. It also deploys dedicated and powerful processors just for data storage and retrieval functions. While normal range of handling data sets varies from megabytes to gigabytes, Big Data can handle data sets varying in the range of terabytes and pentabytes (Magoulas and Lorica 2009). However, functioning of Big Data at such an enormous scale of database management may have some unwanted impact. It often becomes highly difficult to detect privacy violations or flaws in data capturing methods while operating Big Data (Snijders, Matzat, and Reips 2012). The general paradigm of data management deals with traditionally manageable sizes of mostly similar datasets. For example, DAMA’s Data Management Body of Knowledge or DAMA-DMBOK framework serves as a popular functional paradigm for general data management. There are 10 primary functions in DAMA-DMBOK. According to the DAMA-DMBOK Guide (2010), these 10 functions are: Data Governance serves as the core function, which must be accomplished with the help of the other functions. The framework also explicitly defines all the stakeholders involved in database management and related utilities. (Earley 2011) Big Data has certain positive impacts on a standard database management framework like DAMA-DMBOK. Firstly, it helps in modifying the framework suitably for handling larger datasets. Secondly, it helps in developing a stakeholder-independent database management framework. Thirdly, it helps in generating and storing enormous amounts of data for both storage and processing. (Magoulas and Lorica 2009) However, Big Data is likely to have a negative impact on certain DAMA-DMBOK functions such as Data Security Management and Data Quality Management. The

Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midterm - Essay Example a deal and they want to save time, managers are advised to find out more about the export market; which is through the internet and have a look at business journals and various banks of the region. 2. Internationalizing a small business through the incremental stages creates high chances of success for that business and high sustainability is guaranteed. This is quite different from when it is started at once by investing a lot of money, which ends up putting the whole idea at risk in case things don’t go as expected. It should be noted that success is only realized when the business is conducted internationally, in a self-directed manner by simply filling normal orders. It will be the growth of this business that places it in a better position for more orders and therefore gain prosperity in the international business world. There are however barriers to this success, and this is in terms of the export market where if not researched on well, the manager might end up unsuccessful in case the product they want to distribute has no market internationally. Inadequate resources can also be a hindrance, as external support is of great need for one to go through this successf ully. The culture of a particular country too is a barrier, as some countries attach beliefs to some products and ignorance in this case can be quite an issue. China for instance associates watches with death, therefore such products in that country are not welcome. 3. The internet is widely known to be informative in diverse fields that one would want to research on. When it comes to internationalizing businesses, a manager can be able to find out about the export market; in terms of what products are acceptable in that particular country of choice, their demand, and also get to find representatives in the export market that are to be of help in terms of conducting their business. It therefore in this case saves on the time that would have been used in travelling to one’s country of interest

The forgotten group member Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The forgotten group member - Case Study Example For any group to form and establish itself, it must undergo different developmental stages. The first stage is the forming stage. This is the ‘ice-breaking’ stage of the group. This mainly involves membership of the group, as members are accepted into the group.At this stage, members do not know their roles, and mutual trust among them is low, as they attempt to know one another. The second stage is the storming stage. This is the most challenging stage in group formation. In fact, most groups will be stuck at this stage for quite a long period. At this stage, a lot of testing is experienced in the group. The members might test the policies of their group leaders. Members also know what their membership entails, as well as their roles in the group. These might also try to determine their position and relevance in the group power structure. Nonetheless, this is a problematic stage, which requires strong leadership for the group to succeed. The third stage is the norming s tage. This stage is the first where the group will exhibit considerable integration, after the chaotic storming stage. Members will exhibit commitment to the success of the group. Here, members believe to have their roles spelt out clearly, while the question of power in the group is addressed in an organized way, without any emotions involved. The performing stage is fourth, and here, the group is considered mature and functional. Most activity is based on looking for solutions to problems in the group. Generally, communication in the group is effective, and members perform their roles responsibly, without getting in the way of others. The fifth stage is the adjourning stage. Here, the group is considered to have served its purpose successfully, therefore, is disbanded. In this case, Christine’s group is still at the storming stage. This group is chaotic, and the members lack cooperation. They lag behind on the task they were assigned. Mike is stubborn and skips most group m eetings. Although the rest of the group members are potentially competent, they are not dedicated to the group. Members such as Mike are also giving Christine, their leader, a hard time managing the group. If Christine would understand the development stages of a group, she would have utilized the knowledge to push her group forward. She would have understood that her group was at the second stage, therefore, employed relevant strategies, which would minimize the problems at this stage. For instance, she would have enforced rules in her group. These rules were to have disciplinary measures for anyone who failed to adhere to them. This would have been a form of control in the group, as this stage is characterized by emotionality among members, which requires rules to control. Problem Identification The primary problem in this group is unequal group commitment and involvement of group members. This problem will cost the whole group. The secondary problem faced by this group is the que stionable knowledge and skill of individual team members. In this case, from Mike’s behavior, his skill and knowledge is questionable. This problem also affects the whole group. On the other hand, Christine faces a challenge in coordinating the group members. In these cases, one member presents the most problems in the group. Mike is problematic, as he fails to attend most team meetings because of petty excuses. In addition, he fails to complete his role in the team assignment on time, like the other members. In order to have prevented this, Christine ought to have initially considered the aspect of individual membership. For team effectiveness to be guaranteed, leaders have to put the right members on the team. This is with regard to their skills, personal attributes, and those who show interest in group work. Mike does not meet this criterion. Therefore, if Christine had evaluated him prior to granting him membership into the team, she would have known his weaknesses and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss the major problems facing elderly in China and how does the Essay

Discuss the major problems facing elderly in China and how does the government solve these problems - Essay Example Facts and discussion presented in this paper are basically meant to illuminate the reality of the claim that â€Å"the old people in China are having grave socioeconomic problems due to the increasing rate of old population and the Chinese government is profoundly concerned about this issue.† In my opinion, this state or claim is unequivocally based on a factual and reality-based approach, which is backed up by authentic research reports that are discussed in this paper. 2. Major problems faced by the old Chinese community: It is mentioned in (Chinese Culture, 2011) that the population of old people over 60 years of age is about 128 million which suggests the existence of one old Chinese over 60 years in every ten people, and this rate of old population is the largest in the whole world. (Central News Agency, 2007) claims that the rate of old population is thought to increase up to 400 million in 2037. Naturally, the grave socioeconomic scenarios experienced are bound to be mo re exploiting and destructive with the growing number of old citizens. It is suggested by Wenfan (cited in Chinese Culture, 2011) that most of the problems are resulting from the shattered family structure. In old times, old parents used to be the utmost responsibility of their mid aged children and they always took great care to look after their myriad psychological and financial needs along with encouraging them to share the same house. Now, with excessive competitiveness and increased materialistic approach, meaning of relationships is getting fast forgotten with the result that none of the kids remain behind with their parents. (LaFraniere, 2011) mentions that more than half of the old Chinese population lives separately because younger generations are moving away from their old parents. Shortage of money is the biggest problem that the old Chinese population has to deal with and this problem is potentially capable of bringing with itself myriad critical psychological pressures. 3. Better accommodation facilities for old people ensured at governmental level: The accommodation problems are worth mentioning that were quite significant in the past but are gradually lessening now. With urbanized lifestyle getting famous in the adult children, they are increasingly worried by the heavy burden of their parents. That is why they choose to live separately at their own places. They are themselves found too preoccupied with their own problems, let alone coping with the needs of the old parents. Therefore, more and more old Chinese people are left alone and they deserve better and cheaper accommodation facilities. It is mentioned by (Xiao, 2011) that â€Å"few overseas enterprises have invested in China's vast market for care of the elderly.† Affording the best old houses was not imaginable for the elderly people a few years back, but now more and more old Chinese people reportedly return from abroad so that they can spend the rest of their lives in their own country. Efforts made at governmental level have brought a noticeable change. â€Å"The thought of returning home and purchasing a house to spend their remaining years has attracted an increasing number of Chinese people who are currently living abroad.† (Overseas Chinese Network, 2009). More combined and strengthened efforts from the families, the local communities,

Nature, Nurture and Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nature, Nurture and Personality - Essay Example I believe that it is this base personality that is genetically determined and is the most important factor in determining the true nature of personality. While there remains a number of external factors that contribute to the development and change of an individual’s personality, my personal understanding is that ultimately personality is most closely linked to these genetic factors that are affected upon in a variety of ways by external cultural and environmental factors. Personality is related to culture in a number of prominent ways. Indeed, this question can be considered on a micro and macro level. On a micro level, immediate social relations affect personality as individuals must tailor their personality and demeanor to fit into a variety of social situations. While this is not directly considered an element of culture, it is culture that determines the social structures in which human beings interact. As culture is a learned phenomenon and has evolved over the centuries there are many such elements that influence personality. It’s important in these regards to consider what constitutes personality. While the outward expression of an individual’s actions has become the accepted definition of personality, can one more accurately identify personality as an entity that is more highly personal? In terms of the first definition, culture greatly determines how a person acts in nearly all situations. In this understanding, personality is also an evolving thing that is directly connected to the evolution of culture. As social mores and appropriateness change with the progression of time, or even with the change of one’s culture surroundings (poor New Orleans vs the Hamptons, for instance) personality continues to be strongly linked to culture. While psychoanalytic thinkers believed that personality was greatly affected by early childhood events that become rooted in unconscious desires and impulses (some of which can be